"You cannot find peace by avoiding life."
by Virgina Woolf

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Dean Winters as Mayhem: "Blind Spot Mayhem"

Allstate commercials with Dean Winters....very funny.

Managing Life

So, we are in November already....yay I am almost done with fall classes...I feel that this semester had gone by so quickly but at the same time I feel exhausted as if I have crammed so many things into very little time. I am know considering taking my Family & consumer resource management class seriously, I mean with all the different lectures on decision making,spending with the limited amount of resources, start planning on retirement even at this 'early' age I dunno recently I've been thinking about a lot of things. This class has been a pain in the ass, at time I feel like it is too much to take in, and then having to study and read 'a lot' compared to what I am used to and then some writing ...the work in general is kinda lame but I now see that this class can be very useful, that is if you actually pay attention and implement what you learn...all I can think of right now I might return to this post.

My favorite pondering song at the moment: