"You cannot find peace by avoiding life."
by Virgina Woolf

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Eggs!!!!!!!! Loved him in True Blood I really expected him to last longer on the show......loved this commercial pretty funny.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Finals....4 down 1 more to go....Just came across this video and the yeah yeah yeahs never get old......

Monday, December 13, 2010


Studying for Holocaust final....I now regret not reading ahead of time it would have been a good read now i see myself forced to skim for lack of time.....*sighs heavily and stares at notes*....Hoodoo by Muse very soothing right now

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Not in the mood to go to sleep but Im so tired ....song Ive been listening to its so mesmerizing .....

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Vamp Love

Okay TRUE BLOOD and VAMPIRE DIARIES are some of the best shows i have ever watched......i can definitely see true blood trying to tie back to Greek mythology and it only makes me want to watch it more.May only be obsession for supernatural things but I love it.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Best band ever

WOOt WOOT......Undisclosed Desires..........

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Ever since I can remember I have always loved vampires, yet it hasn't simply been their appearance or how they have been portrayed for numbers and numbers of years. There are a number of reasons why I find them to be so appealing and why I believe that others find them appealing as well. I have many times found myself wondering why it is that people like myself become so obsessed with the idea of vampires existing amongst us, and I have come up with one concept.
During my CWL class different concepts about play and reality and how we define reality were thrown at us and it really made me think of why vampires are so intriguing. Sure for some people it might be the superficial appearance of vampires and them being represented as sex symbols to some extent but i honestly think that there is more than that to it. I find that some people see vampire as more of a divine phenomena, something that is more out of this world but still remains amongst us.
Comparing vampire forms in films and books from today and a couple of years back many things have changed. At some point before the vampire was seen as evil, a creature of the night that fed on the innocence, and more things of this nature. And even today these things are seen but we know find that there are also vampires who are more humane or it comes closer to something we aspire to be. A great example would be twilight books or film, where there are vampires who are evil but also the more humane that are not careless of human life but are more appreciative of it. this vampire has strength, can be immortal, feed on something other than humans, can be out in the sunlight, and is beautiful. In some aspect it is something that many people aspire to, something more closer to the divinity but that still contains a human side to it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


While in my Health and Healing Anthropology class we watched a film about the 7 chakras of a person. I had never heard of the concept before today, but I am glad I did, it makes total sense and it is something you can relate to in pretty much all aspects. Overall it reviews the seven human body energy centers and how they direct connection with a number of things you face daily. I wont go into explaining it because my explanation would get confusing but I recommend checking it out its pretty interesting.