IPods are something you may see basically every day, whether you own one or not you may see it on someone else. As consumers a number of people are always looking for the latest technology and iPods have been around for a while, but what makes their advertisements so appealing. The appearance overall of the commercial has remained the same. There is the black image that dances of course, the contrasting color on the background and then the white iPod. The thing is that looking back at some of the first commercials made for the iPods the black figure was very ambiguous.
Having the figure in black to begin with gives it like this shadow perception. The black figure is used almost as to address any type of person. Why? Because in having the figure to be black as a viewer you can’t tell the race of the person and in some cases the figure is so ambiguous that you can’t even tell the gender and the age of a person. With that visual depiction of the people and the different genres of music the put in the commercials it allows for regular persons to relate to the people in the advertisements.
Yet looking at the more recent advertisements for the iPod, the black figurines have taken on whole different role. The depiction given of them is now that of more recognized persons/ cartoons. There are iPod advertisements with the black outlined figure of Pikachu, Stewie from Family Guy, Homer from The Simpsons, Napoleon Dynamite, and the list can continue on and on. This clearly emphasizes the dramatic change of the iPod advertisements from regular people to recognized characters. Now, the iPod ads are not targeting to have people relate themselves to the people in the ads, but they are now having the ads relate to something they like. That is to say, they are building on what they enjoy and tying a connection. Almost like saying, “if you liked Napoleon Dynamite you will like this iPod.” They obviously did not bring about Homer or Stewie but are highlighting and building on the viewer’s preference or on what they enjoy and in a sense creating a world of idolized/favored characters.
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